I am an intuitive life and relationship coach.

Which really means that I use my intuition and coaching skills to help creative, busy women enjoy a life full of love and magic.

I am incredibly gifted at listening and seeing the truth.

I am a master at conscious creation.

And I’ve devoted most of my life to mastering communication, exploring personal growth, and understanding people.

When you work with me you can expect to find clarity and insight, to learn how to get your needs met, and to FEEL BETTER.

And you’ll probably be surprised and delighted by my sense of humor, my flashes of intuition, and the magic that happens even after we hang up the phone.

My work matters because it alleviates the suffering caused by broken hearts.  It makes the world a brighter place, it allows people to experience love, and deep inner peace.

And I’m here to remind you that you are powerful.

My question for you is…What would your life feel like if your needs were met and you felt a consistent inner peace?

To sum it all up?  I am a Magician.

I work the intuitive magic that brings radical transformation and deep emotional healing, and I’d love to work this magic with you.

About You:

You already have the ability to be filled with Peace, Love & Magic.

Your uniqueness is a gift to the world.

As a fully empowered being you can create a life full of Love & Magic.

You can build Relationships that nourish and strengthen.

You can feel a deep sense of Peace within where ever you are.

You can birth a thing of Beauty, bringing it from a dream to a place of concrete reality.

You can have absolute Clarity about your Purpose and you know what steps to take to fulfill it.

You really can do these things, and I can help.

As a coach, teacher, mentor, and guide, my role is to partner with you to realize your own unique gifts, your innate wisdom and abilities, and your incredibly powerful human energy.

In short – your miracle making super powers.

Yep, I said it – Super Powers.

You have them, and I want to help you find them, see them, know them, and use them.

As a certified life coach, my toolbox contains practical tips and tools to help you discover amazing things about yourself.

As an energy leadership master practitioner I bring to the table the skills to help you shift out of stuck places and into powerful healing energy.

I bring decades of highly developed intuition, wisdom, and keen insight to our partnership in the service of you reaching your highest potential as a fully empowered creative woman.

I’ve been called The Love & Magic Coach, because my clients often feel that the results they get while working with me are simply magical.

I’ve partnered with clients to help them regain their self-love and their self-power, to attract their soul mates, create stronger marriages and relationships, find their life purpose, create new businesses and grow existing ones, heal broken hearts, resolve conflicts in relationships, find and develop a spiritual practice that works for them, and gain clarity about the next step to take on their personal journey.

Thank you for visiting my home on the web, I look forward to speaking with you about what we can create together and how I can support you to reach your full potential as a creative fully empowered woman.

Until then, I wish you…

Love & Magic,




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Cindie is the author and creator of The Peaceful Power Process – Resolve Conflicts and Improve Communication Without Giving Away Your Power and  The 7-Figure Relationship: How to Create a Relationship That Feels Like a Million Bucks!

Her writing has been featured in The Huffington Post, Wild Sister Magazine, The ExaminerThe Good Vibe Blog, Blogher, Good Vibe University, Leonie Dawson’s Amazing Biz & Life Academy, Confluence Daily, and WITCH magazine.

Cindie is a 2009 graduate of iPEC (The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) and a certified Energy Leadership Master Practitioner.

She is the 2016 recipient of the Loa Leaders Best Coach Award.

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About Me — 3 Comments

  1. Pingback:Do You Believe in Magic? | Cindie Chavez

    • Thanks, Lisa! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading the blog. I appreciate your feedback! 🙂