Destructive Energy
The lowest levels of energy are catabolic. The term catabolic literally means to “throw down”. In physiology, catabolism refers to destructive metabolism. It is the breaking down of living organisms of more complex substances into simpler ones. Our bodies produce catabolic hormones, such as adrenaline, and although these hormones are useful in the right situation, we still have to process them once they are created and that process is stressful.
So, catabolic energy is destructive energy. It is stress producing and draining.
The symptoms of catabolic energy levels are things like fear, doubt, hopelessness, whining, complaining, guilt, worry, anxiety, blame, arguments, jealousy, resentment, frustration, and disappointment, to name a few!
Certainly, we have all felt these things at one time or another. Would you agree that these low levels of energy are the most predominant levels in the world today?