
How to Develop Your Intuition — 3 Comments

  1. Oh yeah. After it went Round 3 between my monkey mind vs. Intuition, I definitely got clocked. As a child I had the experience of knowing and yes, trusting, you know, when the adults are talking and things are being planned.. but you, the small thing in the corner just knows about x or z. Naturally, school, family and well, logical training tried to beat it out of me.

    But you know what? Intuition fights back (thank God). Not in a mean and nasty way, but in that, sighing, “hmmm so you wanna learn this the hard way huh?” I call it the Voice of Angels, nothing to do with my name to be clear and more to do with how I view the protective function of those beings. I imagine mine dropping the knowing sublimely, in the same way there’s very little distance if any between how we know beauty, without words or expression. Ignore it enough times however, and those voices grow shrill till the knotted discomfort of willful disregard finds more painful ways for us to get back to ourselves.

    I love Cindie’s tip about starting with small, less-charged events and calling it the Voice of Love is absolutely accurate. It’s important to be playful with it, because you’re basically having a conversation with your wiser and infinitely loving spirit and I would remind anyone that essentially, this being loves you no matter what. You already HAVE it and it only wants the best for you.

  2. over the years I have noticed that if my intuition is going to speak in quiet time it will speak immediately. I have also observed if I am in I pain or have low physical energy or emotional vibrations it will be silent. reading up on some interesting studies by scientist who are comparing the voice of the non analytical side of the brain with the other inner voice from our higher self/ consciousness. Intuition, higher self / spirit & collective consciousness are all voices I have received excellent guidance & prophetic information from.

    • In my experience, Terri, sometimes when we are in pain it is our intuition speaking to us directly through the body – sometimes in a voice loud enough to get our attention!
      So glad you shared your experience, I know that we all experience our intuitive voice in unique ways!

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