I’ll have an owl, Please.
If you could ask for anything and have it show up in the next 48 hours what would you ask for?
I asked for an owl.
I know, even I think that sounds a bit weird looking back on it, but I love owls, and I guess I was having a hard time believing I could manifest world peace, or a new Mercedes, in 48 hours.
So, I’ll have an owl, Please.
It all started when Terri (a member of the Love & Magic Salon and one of my best friends in the world) asked the group if anyone had ever read the books E2 & E3 by Pam Grout.
I had read E2 a couple of years ago, but had never even heard of E3, so I ordered the E3 book and went to my bookshelf and grabbed E2 to give it a quick reread. As I opened it I saw a bookmark on a particular experiment.
This experiment was very, very simple. It basically consisted of 2 parts –
1. Ask the Universe for something & 2. Receive it within 48 hours. Easy Peasy.
I’ll have an owl, Please.
Like all of Pam’s experiments there was a lab sheet with a space to record date and time. I recorded January 14, 2015, 10:15am CST.
I wasn’t sure how the owl would show up. I figured that someone would send me a greeting card with an owl on it, or some product I needed would happen to have an owl on the label (Hitachino Nest beer anyone?), or that I’d get an email with an owl in the banner, or see a child at the grocery with an owl plushie, or who knows.
I didn’t know how the owl would show up, I just knew that it would.
However, I did not expect what happened just twenty-six hours later.
I was sitting at my desk in my office, my desk faces a window. I heard a rustling sound and looked up to see a huge owl, with a wingspan of at least 4 feet, fluttering close enough to my window that his wings were brushing against it. I live in the city, on a busy thoroughfare. Occasionally I see a cardinal, or a blue jay from my window. The only owl I’ve ever seen in person was at the Renaissance Faire. Until this owl appeared at my window – it was real and it was spectacular. My heart was beating fast and I almost burst into tears when I realized that my owl had arrived in such a wondrous demonstration.
And…that wasn’t all…the next morning I checked my email and there was the daily email from Abraham-Hicks. The email banner looked like this:
I was shocked. I’ve been on Abraham-Hicks mailing list for years and I only remember the banner having a beautiful image of sunlight shining through some trees. I looked for the email from the day before. It was there and was yet unopened. It had the owl. I searched for the day before that and found it – no owl. Just trees.
So…the day that my magnificent owl appeared is the same day that the Abraham-Hicks email banner changed to include an owl. O_O
Several of us over at the Love & Magic Salon are enjoying these books, the experiments, and a lively discussion about how we are experiencing it all. Have you joined us over there yet? C’mon over!
If you could ask for something and have it appear within the next 48 hours what would it be?
Love & Magic,
So late to the game on this but I thought it was such a fabulous story that I lay awake for part of the night wondering what I’d play with. I’ve an affinity for crows as frightening as they may be. The Tibetans believe them to be the animal incarnations of Mahakala, a great protector deity who would often travel in their form. Somehow this made sense to me.
Still, I woke up still not really feeling sure what I’d like to see. I wondered if crows were too obvious since I always felt protected in that sense. In any case, I gave up deciding that too much thinking would kill the sense of play and took my honey to the vape store. I guess your story stuck with me because as I was chatting with the manager I realized a big blue owl tattooed on his arm was staring at me. I just kind of smiled thinking that maybe this was your story visiting me in literal form to say, “see?”. 🙂
Angel, I can’t stop smiling as I read your experience! The owl says, “See?”…and I bet the crows come soon. 😉 xo
Hi Cindie~ just wanted to let you know that the day after I asked for flowers I received them two different times 2 different ways. 1 was a real flower hand picked, the other was a calendar I found while looking for a workmans comp list of Nerologist in my area that I missed placed. The 2015 calender was a gift that I thought was lost. It has different flowers monthly. it’s amazing how grateful and blessed I feel. Thanks to You & the Universe ( :
Oh Marci!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me (and all of my readers!) – there is SO MUCH power in intention and I’m thrilled that you got to experience that first hand. Hold on to that feeling of gratitude and blessedness and more goodness will flow in. xoxo
I Loved your story. That must have been an amazing site to behold. Owls are majestic birds.
I haven’t read the E2 or E3 books but I will now add them to my list of books to read. I’ve heard that the universe gives us what we have most in our thoughts & words.
In my case that’s been Pain. I’ve been in so much physical & emotional pain it’s hard to put my focus to positive use. I will experiment now & ask for flowers. ( :
Thanks Cindi for sharing. Peace,
Marci I’m so glad you stopped by! I know that there are flowers (and lots of them!)in your future. You may be surprised at how they show up. 😀 Sending you love xo
Hi Cindie! love this. I’m excited to participate in this experiment. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂 The image of the owl on this post, is that your owl?
Hi Beth, No that is not my owl – I did not have time to grab a camera, he flew up my window and was gone and I was awestruck and couldn’t move LOL. I think my owl was probably a little bigger than the one in the picture. 🙂