My Top 10 Beloved Books
I LOVE books. And I buy way too many a LOT of them. I’ve been promising this Top Ten list for a while, and since I’ll be adding a new feature (book reviews!) here in June, I thought this would be a great way to begin.
For me, there are few things better than relaxing on a beautiful beach, a good book in one hand, a cold beverage in the other, and the Handsome Sweetheart relaxing there next to me. THAT is what I think of when I hear the phrase “Summer Reading”. (NOT some list of books that my teachers are requiring me to slog through before the Fall semester!!). So with Summer right around the corner, I thought I’d brainstorm my top 10 list of books. These books are my most beloved books, by that I mean they’re the ones I’ve read over and over, the ones I go back to time and time again.
Although I read many different genres of books, the ones I tend to read and re-read are usually in the personal growth genre, so that is mostly what you’re going to find here on my top ten list. And although the first 2 really are my top 2 favorites of all time (so far) the others are in no specific order. I love them all.
Ready, readers? Here we go!
1. Seven Spiritual Laws – Deepak Chopra [genre: personal growth/spirituality]
I can’t count how many times I’ve read this particular title, and I have the CD’s as well (at one time I had them all loaded in the CD changer in my car and listened to them over and over, always hearing something new!) The size of this little book may fool you, it looks as though it could be read in an hour or so, and although technically you probably could, there is so much to chew on that it may keep you busy for a while. My beloved copy never leaves my bedside table.
2. The Game of Life and How to Play It – Florence Skovel Shinn [genre: spirituality/new thought]
This one is another that I’ve read over and over and my little paper back copy is dog-eared, highlighted, and well loved. I struggled a bit whether to list this as my number one or number two – I settled on second place only because I found it after I discovered Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws. The Game of Life is my “go to book” whenever I need to get grounded and remember how powerful I am. 🙂
3. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho [genre: fiction, spirituality]
I remember having a session with one of my first coaches who was stunned that I had never read The Alchemist. She said to me, “Oh My! This book is my bible!!” That was enough for me, I bought it and loved it and have read it several times. First published in 1988 it has sold over 65 million copies and has been translated into over 67 languages. A classic.
4. The Mastery of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz [personal growth/self-help/relationship]
This is another book that’s size may fool you. I took this book with me on a beach trip, thinking I’d read it in a few days tops. But that summer I remember reading a few pages and suddenly needing to take a long walk down the beach. A long thoughtful walk, pondering what I’d just read. I did this the entire trip and had lots of epiphanies that summer. A beautiful book that affected me and my philosophies on relationship very deeply.
5. Outrageous Openness – Tosha Silver [genre: spirituality]
I found this little gem totally by accident. Well not really since I don’t believe in accidents, but I certainly was not looking for it when I found it, and I actually bought it because I loved the cover art. When I read the acknowledgments and saw Florence Scovel Shinn named I knew I’d love it, and I did. You can’t read this book without having your hope restored and your zest for creating your own life renewed.
6. Financial Alchemy ~ 12 Months of Magic and Manifestation – Morgana Rae [genre: finance, self help, personal growth, magic, and spirituality]
This book has been a favorite of mine since 2010. I’m a workbook junkie but this is the only workbook I can say that I’ve ever used more than once. I use it every year and I love that the user decides the start date so no worries if you didn’t buy it in January like most yearly planner or workbooks. Morgana has a truly unique style and original body of very powerful work. Use at your own risk…if you aren’t looking for abundance steer clear. 😉
7. Magical Clutter Clearing Boot Camp
– Tess Whitehurst [genre: cleaning, self-help]
It might seem odd to find a “cleaning” book on this list, but this book is honestly full of magic (and a treasure chest of practical tips.) You’ll definitely want those tips once Tess convinces you of the connection between your living environment and your ability to create magic in your life. I refer back to this book anytime I feel like my home or office is fighting the clutter monster and it never fails to motivate me, cheer me up, and give me just the kick I need to get my living/working space back in order. Plus, you can’t beat such a great book at such a tiny price.
8. Seeker: The Tarot Unveiled – Rachel Pollack
I’ve been reading tarot for over 15 years, and of all the Tarot books I own, this may be the one I open most often. Although it’s technically a YA (young adult) book (written for teens), I love it’s simplicity and directness. Pollack has written quite a few wonderful books on the tarot and I’ve loved them all (Tarot Wisdom is another of my favorites by Ms. Pollack), but for a quick insightful reference this one is my favorite. And a great book if you are just learning tarot as well.
9. The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace Wattles
A Classic. Every person interested in understanding their financial situation (and desiring to improve it) would do well to read (and reread) this one. It’s not a big book, but it’s full of big life shifting ideas.
10. The Astonishing Power of Emotions – Abraham-Hicks
This may be my favorite of the Abraham-Hicks books. If you aren’t familiar with Abraham-Hicks you may want to start with Ask and it is Given, or The Law of Attraction, but all of their books give a good overview of their “law of attraction philosophy” (and if you are one of my readers I’m guessing you already have a good idea of what the law of attraction is all about). I especially love the CD storytelling that Esther Hicks does in The Astounding Power of Emotions accompanying CD. I couldn’t stop smiling while I listened to it, and that’s always a good thing when you are a conscious creator. 😉
Happy Reading!
Love & Magic,
P.S. The links above are my affiliate links (and you can feel generous and proud knowing that if you buy any of the books mentioned through my links you’ll be making a tiny little contribution to the upkeep of this space. If for some reason you’d rather not use an affiliate link that’s fine too, please do what brings you joy!)
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