The past five weeks here at Songbird Coaching, we have been focused on Energy, both catabolic and anabolic. We have covered the basics on how to shift from those lower catabolic levels to the higher more anabolic levels of energy. Recently, a word keeps popping up everywhere I look …..Abundance. What does “abundance” mean to you? Dictionary.com defines abundance as: an extremely plentiful or oversufficient supply. I think that covers the general perception of the word! Despite the definition saying nothing of “energy”, according to Law of Attraction, (an idea proposed in the early 1900’s and recently gaining popular recognition due to books and movies such as “The Secret”) our thoughts become things. What we focus on eventually becomes our reality, and so the Law of Attraction is mostly concerned with re-framing and refocusing negative thoughts to create positive ones and in turn manifesting what you want by shifting your focus or changing your perspective.