The Path of Least Resistance
Recently I had a conversation with a friend that included the words “hard work”. My friend related to me that a certain situation “was hard work, but worth it.” Now, to be fair, I think we all can relate to that statement. Certainly, we have all been involved in some kind of “hard work” at one time or another and then have been elated, or maybe relieved, to see the “pay off”. Maybe it was an exercise program, or a big corporate project, or just cleaning out the attic. It always feels great to accomplish a task, large or small, and then reap the rewards.
However, the whole conversation got me thinking about the limiting belief, or assumption, that hard work is necessary to enjoy a reward. It seems to me that this belief system is very prevalent today. Many of us were brought up with a message that told us we had to “work hard” in school, so we could get into a good college, and of course once college came around we then had to “work hard” to get a good job. Once we landed that good job then we needed to “work hard” to get that big promotion. Surely, you see where I am going with this. There really never is an end to this cycle because it is the belief that perpetuates the cycle.
So, is this a belief that you have been taught most of your life? Is it a belief you buy into?
There is a concept in nature that is known as the path of least resistance. In physics, the path of least resistance is always taken by objects moving through a system. Water flowing downhill follows the path of least resistance as it is pulled downward by gravity. Electricity flowing through a circuit behaves similarly. Storms and weather patterns flow toward zones of low barometric pressure, where lower air density offers less resistance to the storm system than higher pressure zones.
When we relate concepts like resistance, struggle, and ease to energy levels we see that at the lower catabolic energy levels nearly everything is “hard work”, or a struggle, and resistance is constant. When we move up a few levels and begin looking at the more anabolic levels of energy there is always less resistance, and more flow. In fact, studies show that the higher the individual’s ‘energy level’ or level of consciousness the more success that person experiences in every area and with much less effort.
In my opinion, one of the most important steps we can take to create ease and flow in our lives is to be authentic. When we allow ourselves to BE who we really are we embody much less resistance. Look around at the rest of nature, observe a bird, or a tree, or your dog. None of them are trying to be anything but what they are, they are authentic all the time, and they seem to breeze through life with purpose.
When we allow ourselves to be authentic, when we let go of the concept that things have to be “hard work” to be successful, we can begin to enter a place where things get easier, and everything begins to flow with ease.
After all, doing is work, being is effortless.
Love & Magic,
BRAVO! This needs to be taught to all!
Thanks, Amy! Glad you enjoyed this post!
I love this article. Over the years, I’ve seen myself grow from an individual that has overexerted in order to achieve large dreams and aspirations, into a person who allows all things around me to be, instead of trying to influence and help MAKE things happen. Through your help and guidance, I’ve been able to accept all things for what they are and continue to love all. There are 101 different concepts that I could expand on in this short paragraph, but essentially living, loving, and accepting all realities is a fantastic way to move through time. The results I’ve seen over the year from not only your guidance through consciousness and awareness, but the facilitation of true Self and Being have been innumerable. Thanks for the post!
YES! Love this comment and so happy to know the difference my work has made in your life. Thanks so much!